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3 Benefits of a Termite Inspection

Benefits of a Termite Inspection

Homeowners are constantly fighting off unwanted pests and furry creatures, and perhaps one of the most destructive is the termite. These small, yet mighty, pests cause homeowners more than $5 billion in home repairs every year, making termite inspections essential. Here at TLC Home Inspections, we know just what to look for and we can […]

3 Reasons to Schedule a Mold Inspection

3 Reasons to Schedule a Mold Inspection

Mold isn’t a good thing to ignore when preparing to sell your home or purchase a home, or if you suspect the presence of mold in your current home. Besides the cosmetic problems with mold, it can cause long-term issues with your home and with your family’s health. Let the experienced mold inspection team at […]

Don’t Ignore These 4 Red Flags When House Hunting

You know the drill: always get a comprehensive property inspection of a house before you buy. But what can you do during the house-hunting process, when you’re looking at multiple properties? What can you do to know if a house should be dropped from your shortlist? You may not have the expertise of the inspection […]

Selling Your Home? Get a Pre-listing Inspection!

Selling Your Home? Get a Pre-Listing Inspection.

Surprises are welcome at birthday parties and Christmas but, when it comes to putting your house on the market, you don’t want any unexpected results from the home inspection. Make sure your property is in great shape before listing it. With a pre-listing inspection from TLC Home Inspections, LLC, you’ll have peace of mind and […]

4 Tips for Prepping for a Home Inspection

Prep for Home Inspection

Congratulations, you sold your home! It’s smooth sailing from here, right? You did all that work getting your house ready to sell. So what more is there to be done before the home inspection? TLC Home Inspections has a few tips you might want to keep in mind as you move into the final phase […]

Suspect Mold? Schedule a Mold Inspection Today

House in Texas

Mold is everywhere – both indoors and outdoors. It’s a naturally-occurring fungus that can enter your home through open doorways, vents, and windows, or attach to clothing, shoes, or pets and then carried indoors. If you think your home has a mold problem, contact the mold inspection experts at TLC Home Inspections, LLC online, or […]

How Your Bed Can Make You Sick and Why Protection Is Necessary

Dirty Bed

You finally moved into your new place, unpacked all of your belongings, and settled in. It’s time to relax, right? Wrong! Even if you have conducted a thorough examination of your new property yourself, invisible dangers lurk within the fissures. Your unit could contain ailments that could make you sick or damage your property. Even your mattress […]

Do You Know the Difference Between Mold and Mildew?

Mold and Mildew Differences - Mold

Mold and mildew are both types of fungi that can grow within a home, but how are they different—and how do they each affect our health? At TLC Home Inspections, we often have to deal with this issue since mold inspection is part of what we do. Understanding what makes mold and mildew different can […]

Top 3 Bugs to Keep Out of Your Austin Home

Brown Recluse Spider

No one likes to have bugs around the house. However, while ants and flies are pesky, they’re tolerable in comparison to some of Texas’s crazier creatures. While our team at TLC Home Inspections doesn’t want to give you the creeps, we do want you to be aware of some Texas bugs you don’t want in […]

5 Questions to Ask Any Home Inspector

Home Inspector Questions

Hiring the right home inspector is a big deal when you’re a home buyer. While you want the process to keep moving forward, you also don’t want to rush the inspection or choose someone who is subpar.  As you go about hiring an inspector in the Austin, TX, area, our crew at TLC Home Inspections urges […]
