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Don’t Ignore These 4 Red Flags When House Hunting


You know the drill: always get a comprehensive property inspection of a house before you buy. But what can you do during the house-hunting process, when you’re looking at multiple properties? What can you do to know if a house should be dropped from your shortlist? You may not have the expertise of the inspection team at TLC Home Inspections, but here are a few red flags to be aware of as you look for your next home near Austin, Texas. They may indicate major problems that you just don’t want to have to deal with.

1. Foggy or Problematic Windows

If water has gotten between the panes of a window, it could cause leaks or allow mold to grow. Make sure all the windows open and shut properly. Windows can be expensive to repair, in addition to indicating issues with the overall insulation of the home.

2. Foundation Issues

Sure, you’re not a surveyor. But if you notice that the yard slopes toward the house, rather than away from it, it could mean water damage in the foundation. Check for bulges or cracks. Bring a tape measure along, and if you see any cracks or bulges that are larger than 1/3 inch, the house may have structural issues.

3. Smells or Odors

Let your nose be your guide. Both inside and outside the house, take big inhales. Smell anything off? Smells or odors can be indicators that there’s a more serious problem below the surface.

4. Bugs or Termites

The last thing you want in a new home is a pest problem. Keep an eye out for evidence of unwanted roommates as you tour the house. If you have any suspicions about pests, ask about our termite and pest inspections.

Once you’ve found a house you love, make sure it’s everything you hoped for with a comprehensive evaluation by TLC Home Inspections. Our seasoned professionals will spend about four hours assessing the property, so that you will have the information you need to make an informed decision. Contact us today at (512) 515-3686 to request a home inspection.

Source: HGTV

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