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Look Out for These Poor Water Quality Signs Before Buying

Look Out for These 5 Poor Water Quality Signs before Buying


When it comes to determining water quality, it’s not always easy to know if it’s safe. Sometimes, even clear-looking water can be contaminated with invisible impurities that can harm your health. If you want to purchase a home, it’s important to recognize these five signs of poor water quality. And if you find your water has one or more of these signs, remember, TLC Home Inspections is here to help!

1. Changes in Water Color & Smell

One of the most obvious signs of poor water quality is a change in its color or odor. Water that is discolored or has a strange smell can indicate contaminants like sulfur, copper, and iron. If the water in a home has a metallic, bleach, or rotten egg-like odor, it’s best to have it tested to determine its safety. Any pipe rust or corrosion will come up during the home inspection process.

2. Odd Taste & Texture

Water that tastes and feels different than usual can be another sign of poor water quality. If it has a metallic or salty taste, there could be an elevated level of dissolved minerals in the water. Water that feels slippery or slimy on the skin can also be a sign of hard water, which can contain high levels of calcium and magnesium.

3. Sediments & Debris

If you notice a buildup of dirt or sediments around fixtures, it could indicate poor water quality in the home. Sediments can enter the water supply from the environment, old pipes, or a water treatment system that is not functioning properly. Debris in the water can cause clogs in plumbing fixtures and damage water appliances. It’s important to address these issues promptly or to walk away from the sale.

4. Presence of Bacteria

Bacteria in the water can be hazardous to your health, causing symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting. Although water is typically treated to remove any bacteria, the presence of it can indicate a problem with the water treatment and distribution system. It could also indicate a contaminated well if the home is hooked up to one. Be sure to ask for this full report from the seller or our inspectors.

5. Water Pressure Issues

Poor water quality can also affect water pressure in your home. A significant drop in water pressure when you’re touring a home may indicate a leak or blockage caused by poor water quality. It’s important that the seller address these issues, as they can lead to further damage and contamination.

Be Confident in Your Home Buying Process

It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially regarding the water in your home. If you’re considering purchasing a property in or around Austin, TX, call TLC Home Inspections for a thorough inspection of the home. We also offer pre-listing inspections for sellers, mold testing, and termite inspections. We want you to feel confident in your home. So, schedule your inspection today at (512) 515-3686.

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