Same-Day Report Guarantee
We know the clock is ticking during today’s fast-paced real estate environment, so make sure to get your inspection report on the same day as the home inspection, guaranteed! If we do not deliver the report on time, your client gets $50 off the inspection fee.*
Why This Matters
The Full Picture, Faster
You often need to move quickly to land a home. Our rapid reports provide you with the full picture of the property so you know how to proceed.
Negotiation Advantage
With all the information about the home at your disposal, you can negotiate with confidence that the proper price is paid.
Avoid Costly Surprises
With our fast, detailed, and reliable reports, you and your clients can identify costly issues before it is too late.
Complete Comfort and Trust
Your clients can rest easy knowing that their home was properly inspected. With their trust quickly enforced, you can focus on the transaction.
We’re redefining the agent-home inspector relationship. TLC is more than a home inspection company. We’re here to help you drive repeat business and get referrals. Don’t get left behind. Book a meeting to find out about all of the brand new, enhanced TLC offerings the Central Texas real estate community is abuzz about. |
Book a quick meeting to talk more about our Next-Day Inspection Guarantee, Same-Day Report Guarantee, and all of our distinctive offerings that keep your deals moving quickly.
As the Central Texas-area inspection leader, we go beyond top-notch inspections, harnessing the power of the latest advancements in the industry and delivering unparalleled client experiences. We’re here because your success is our priority. That’s why we’re committed to delivering unprecedented value and tools you care about.